Bit of a Bumpy Start!

Day 1!! Can you feel the excitement in the air? We’re all packed up, I’ve checked my 5 page list 17 times, Let’s do this Willard’s.

Let me walk you through our day:

6:30 am – Wake Up – Press Snooze

6:45 am – 8 am – Roll out of bed, make coffee, a road trip smoothie (ya, we fancy!!) and get the kids up, dressed, get the trailer hooked up and slides in (That’s rig talk for we’re ready to go)

8:01 am – ‘Hey mom, do you happen to have any road trip surprises?’ Shit – In the trailer I do, a lot of good they do me there;)

8:01 – 10:30 am – Driving on a road that would make a Bolivian Highway look like a dream – Does this sound dramatic? I wish it was, haha ~ Some sections we couldn’t go above 80km/hr while dodging pot holes big enough to swallow the small town I’m from!

10:30 am – I am deep in slumber in the passenger seat (surprise!) I am awoken by the sound of a siren and some flashy lights. What’s going on, there’s no way we’re speeding with our ‘Rig’. A ‘delightful’ officer notifies us that we have been dragging our beloved bikes for a km. ‘Licence, Insurance and Registration Please!!!!’

10:31 am – Nick gets out and sees that the bumper that was holding the bike rack has twisted down – (98 degrees, to be exact;) to the point of which my handle bar, derailer, tire rim and pedal was being belt sanded flat by the high way. Eek!! I love my bike, we’ve been through 2 concussions together, multiple leg scars from my chain and sprocket, and a few 24 hours of adrenaline bike races. It took one for the team, Nicks bike only needs a new rim and tire and the kiddos bikes walked away without a scratch.

10:35 am – Said ‘Delightful’ Officer comes back and hands Nick a ticket for having a clear cover over his Truck license plate. Threatens that she could have thrown the book at him – Including a tar and feathering! Once she handed us the ticket, she left us with our mess on the side of a busy highway.

11:00am – We hit the road – ‘hey mom, I need a snack’

12:00 pm – We arrive at Nick’s shop and the Dunphy Family saves the day!! Will and his son, Austin, come to our rescue and weld up the bumper. Good to Go!!

2:00 pm – On the Road once again, yay!!

4:00 pm – We make a Stop in Olds to say goodbye to Beppa and Papa. I head into the trailer to grab the doggos and that’s when I smell it…..It’s not obvious but yet deep down I know what it is:(. Gunner, our 120ish(on a good day)lbs dog SHIT on our bed!!!!!! Guys, I need to make this very clear – He weighs 120 lbs – His shits are the size of small dogs AND it’s on our BED!! Oh this is icing on the cake, what a great start to our adventure!!

6:01 pm – Back on the road once again!! ‘Hey Mom, do you have any road trip surprises?’……Oh no!! I forgot AGAIN!! Mom of the Year, haha!!

Guess What??? We are laughing about it, we chose to see the humour in it – Although I think our attitude might change while we’re doing all the laundry tonight. Despite the challenges of today, we made it through and are almost at our final destination. We plan on crossing the US border tomorrow, wish us luck;););). We just might need it:)

4 thoughts on “Bit of a Bumpy Start!

  1. Oh my gosh……what a awful day.glad u can chuckle about it while it’s so fresh.happy and safe travels down south guys. You got all that bad stuff out of the way


  2. Oh man, so sorry to hear you had such a “shitty” start to your adventure, wishing you all a safe trip without any more hiccups.


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