Kids, Let’s Go On An Adventure…..Again….Finally!

So…How about this Pandemic?? What an entirely crazy and unexpected year. If I could go back in time and tell myself anything it would be to hug the heck out of everyone! I mean, I’m sure there’s more practical advice I could pass on but if you know me, I’m a hugger and it’s been a struggle. This pandemic (besides turning our world upside down and being responsible for such sad and devastating events) has turned me into the most awkward person. Ya ya, I know, I walked right into that joke. Do we just say hi? and that’s it? So weird!! My non huggy friends are sooo happy right now;)

I also realized that as a mom, I had to give myself a break. I certainly feel that over the last year, I wouldn’t be winning any ‘Mother of the Year’ awards. We were supposed to leave on our last adventure to the States right around the time we started learning what Covid 19 was. Instead of taking a leave from work to go travel, I had to take leave to stay at home with the kids. I don’t regret being able to spend extra time with the kiddos BUT I would be lying to you if I said it was easy!! I will digress because everyone knows EXACTLY what I’m talking about. Finding a new rhythm (I’m not going to say ‘new normal’) without being able to rely on our amazing support group – wow, next level challenge.

As a family, we were supposed to be in Australia right now. We had decided 2 years ago that we would plan and save so that we could spend at least a month down under. We haven’t been in 15 years and the thought of taking our kids, seeing our friends and going to a place we left a piece of ourselves was so exciting. It’s a crazy feeling to have the money saved, and the potential to take off the time and you’re unable to go because of something you can’t control. There might be a big life lesson here for a control freak, like me;);).

Versys ( is what brought us on our last trip down south and it turned into a great adventure! Being able to travel with your family on a work trip is a dream. We knew that we were going to go again but, you know, Covid! Versys has a huge project kicking off in Washington State and its been the catalyst for us heading down for round 2.

What about Covid? Can you even travel? – I’m a rule follower by nature, I don’t mind being this way and I happen to be married to a guy that questions every rule, we honestly couldn’t be more opposite in this regard. Today, we have been married for 13 years and I have to say that we have brought each other to more of a middle ground and negotiations happen all the time. Both of us have respected Covid rules and have done our part to keep everyone safe so at first I was hesitant to the idea of travel. Nick has a Visa that allows him to work in the States and bring us along. We, of course, want to keep our family safe and I personally have some guilt because we are able to do this but to be honest, going on this trip isn’t a choice anymore – we have to go. We have 2 options: 1 – We all go together OR 2 – Nick goes by himself and honestly none of us want option 2. So, Kids! Let’s go on an adventure….again…finally!!

We pulled out the ‘ol trailer house, kicked out the squirrels that spent the winter squatting, damn free loaders and will get it packed and hit the road in 3 weeks. Eek!! Anticipation for most trips can be the best part. Full Disclosure – Not this time. Don’t get me wrong, we are sooo excited especially because we aren’t packing up, selling our house and travelling homeless, haha BUT we do have a lot to do and the kids have discovered ‘Are We There Yet?’ Please, Please, Please wish us luck!!

We will be leaving right after Easter and plan on being gone for 3 months. The kids had just turned 3 before we left the last time and they will be 5 in April so I’m sure the dynamic of our trip and stories will change. Feel free to follow along – we’ll be the hot mess of a family rumbling through the States with our 2 ‘big kids’, 2 giant dogs and our gargantuan trailer house (that’s just the easiest to park…;)

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